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    SWN Dynamic Character Sheet


    SWN Dynamic Character Sheet [v2.0.6]


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    HP: /

    Bleed-Out Counter:


    System Strain: /





    Save Data
    Load Data


    Used Skill Points: /
    Choose Starting Skill Selection Method:
    Select for Random Table Rolls or Quick Skills (3 Skills)
    Learn/Growth Skill:
    Learn/Growth Skill:
    Learn/Growth Skill:
    Psi Skill:
    Psi Skill:
    Background Skill:
    Focus 1 Skill:
    Focus 2 Skill:
    Focus 3 Skill:
    Focus 4 Skill:
    Focus 5 Skill:
    Focus 6 Skill:
    Interest Skill:
    AI Skill:
    Psi Focus Skill:
    Administer: Pilot: Work:
    Connect: Program: Biopsionics:
    Exert: Punch: Metapsionics:
    Fix: Shoot: Precognition:
    Heal: Sneak: Telekinesis:
    Know: Stab: Telepathy:
    Lead: Survive: Teleportation:
    Notice: Talk:
    Perform: Trade:


    Used Focus Points:/


    Attribute: Score: Mod:
    Enter Base Attribute Scores:
    STR: DEX: CON:
    INT: WIS: CHA:
    Growth Bonus: +1 +2
    Growth Bonus: +1 +2
    Growth Bonus: +1 +2

    Physical: Evasion: Mental:

    Level: XP:

    Base Atk Bonus: Armour Class:

    Psi Abilities

    Discipline Core Technique Level Spent Effort

    Effort Limit: /
    Psi Technique Effort Committed Action Type

    AI Routines

    Core Routine Level Spent Processing

    Processing Limit: /
    Peripheral Routine Processing Cost Action Type


    Debt: Credits: Readied Weight Limit: / Stowed Weight Limit: /Grafted Weight Limit: /
    Item Name Item Notes Quantity Cost Weight Stowed Location

    Ranged Weapons

    Weapon Name Weapon Notes Damage Range Ammo Quantity Cost Weight Stowed Location

    Melee Weapons

    Weapon Name Weapon Notes Damage Shock Quantity Cost Weight Stowed Location


    Armour Name Armour Mods/Notes AC Shield Bonus Quantity Cost Weight Stowed Location


    Drone Model Drone Mods/Notes Cost Fittings AC Quantity Weight HP Range Stowed Location

    Artificial Shell

    Shell Name Shell Mods/Notes STR: DEX: CON: AC Cost Stowed Location

    Languages Known

    Current Goals

    Noteworthy Achievements

    Player Notes

    Vehicle/Robot Details

    Starship Details

    Assets/Owned Property

    Aliases/Fake ID's

    Contacts and Allies


    1.0 - About This Page

    - This dynamic character sheet is designed to streamline the process of creating and managing characters for the tabletop RPG, Stars Without Number.

    2.0 - Character Creation Guide

    - This section explains how to use this character sheet properly when intially creating your character.

    2.1 - Base Attributes & Saving Throws

    - Roll 3d6 for each of your six attributes or use an array of 14,12,11,10,9,7 to obtain your attribute scores.
    - If you choose to roll your scores you may select one attribute to change to a score of 14.

    - To assign your base attribute scores open the Attribute table drop-down row in the Stats section (see help section X) and enter the relevant attribute scores in to the STR:, DEX:, CON:, INT:, WIS:, and CHA: input fields respectively.
    - Each attribute modifier is calculated automatically by the sheet.
    - (An attribute score of 3 = -2, 4-7 = -1, 8-13 = +0, 14-17 = +1, and 18 = +2).

    - Saving Throw scores are calulated automatically by the dynamic character sheet in the Stats: section (see help section X).
    - (Physical = 15 - max(StrMod,ConMod), Evasion = 15 - max(IntMod,DexMod), Mental = 15 - max(WisMod,ChaMod))

    2.2 - Select Background

    - Pick a background from the drop-down select menu in the Bio section (see help section X) best reflects your character's past experiences.
    - You immediately gain the selected background's associated free level-0 skill which is automatically updated in the Skill table (see help section X).

    2.3 Select Starting Skills

    - Decide whether to use roll or pick your additional starting skills.

    - If you pick skills, you can choose two more skills from the Learning Table for your background (refer to SWN rulebook).

    - If you roll for your skills, you can roll up to three times, choosing between your background's Learning table and Growth table before each roll (refer to SWN rulebook).
    - For rolled skills, you will need to check the "Select for Random Table Rolls or Quick Skills (3 skills)" checkbox to enable the 3rd Learn/Growth Skill: select field.
    - For rolls on the Growth table resulting in "+X Physical" you can add X points to either your Strengh, Dexterity, or Constitution attribute score in the Attribute table within the Stats Section (see help section X).
    - If your roll results in "+X Mental" then you may add X points to either your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score instead.
    - To increase any of these attribute scores, use the +/- buttons in the Attribute table by the relevant score.

    - Enter the selected skills into the Learn/Growth Skills: fields located inside the Skills section drop-down row (see help section X).

    If you pick or select the same skill twice, it will increase the skill level from 0 to 1.
    - If you roll the same skill three times, instead pick any other non-psychic skill from the drop down menu.
    - No character's starting skills can exceed level-1.

    - You may pick pick one additional non-psychic skill from the "Interest Skill:" field located in the Skills section drop-down menu (see help section X).
    - This reflects your character's outside interests, hobby, talent, or natural focus.

    2.4 - Select Class

    - Choose a class from the drop-down menu in the Bio section (see help section X), representing your character's talents.
    - This selection will automatically include any innate class bonuses into your attack modifier and/or reveal the appropriate tables in the Abilities section (see help section X).

    2.5 - Select Foci

    - You can pick ONE level-1 focus from the drop-down select fields in the Foci table (see help section X) and set its level to 1 using the adjacent +/- increment buttons.
    - Characters with the "Expert" class or the Adventurer class with the "Partial Expert" feature may choose either to increase their selected focus to level-2 or instead pick and additional focus at level-1.
    - Associated focus skils are automatically included in the Skills section (see help section X).

    - The asssociated focus skills will be automatically updated in the Skills: table (see help section X).
    - Origin Foci have their own special rules and cannot be increased past level-1

    2.7 - Psychic Abilities

    Psychics can pick two level-0 psychic skills from the drop-down row in the Skills: section table (see help section X), while adventurers with the partial psychic feature can pick only one.
    - If the same skill is picked twice, it is increased to level-1 and you may select a free level-1 technique for that discipline from the Psi Technique table in the Abilities section (see help section X).

    - The level-0 abilities associated with your selected psychic skills will be automatically updated in the Core Psychic Techniques table in the Abilties section (see help section X).
    - All psychics hav a maximum effort score equal to 1 + the highest psychic skill + the highest of either your Wisdom or Consititution modifier.

    Characters with the Trained Psychic focus have +1 Maximum Effort.
    - Characters with the Wild Psionic Talent focus have a Maximum Effort = Wild Psionic Talent Level #No.

    2.8 - Character Hit Points

    - To determine maximum hit points, roll 1d6 + Constitution modifier per level.
    - Warriors and partial warriors have + 2 hit points per level.
    - Enter this value in the HP: section (see help section X) by clicking the denominator to edit the number which will update the range slider.

    2.9 - Starting Equipment

    - Choose an equipment package from p.25 in the SWN rulebook, or roll 2d6 * 100 to determine your starting equipment.
    - Enter your starting equipment and/or starting credits into the inventory tables in the Inventory section (see help section X).

    2.10 - Attack Bonus

    - Your attack bonus equal to your (Player Level)/2.
    - Warriors and partial warriors have an attack bonus equal to their Player Level. This is calculated automatically by the dynamic character sheet in the Stats section (see help section X).

    2.11 - Armour Class

    - Your armor class is equal to 10 + Dexterity Modifier + any shield or armor bonuses from equipped items.
    - This is calculated automatically by the dynamic character sheet in the Stats section (see help section X).

    3.0 - Section Details

    - This section details the various functions of each tab and their contained sections within this dynamic character sheet.

    3.1 - Profile Tab

    3.1.1 - Health Tracker Section

    - This slider tracks your character's Hit Points.

    - The number display is automatically updated to match the slider.
    - To edit your maximum HP, click on the display denominator (it will turn red when you hover over it) and type in any number to update the slider's maximum range.

    - If you reach 0 HP, your character will be incapacitated and the Bleed-Out Counter will appear to help you keep track of up to six rounds passing, after which your character will die if they have yet to receive the necessary medical (or mechanical) assistance to regain consciousness.

    3.1.2 - Strain Tracker Section

    - This slider tracks the amount of strain your character's body has accumulated from biopsionic healing, cybernetic implants and powerful drugs.

    - If it exeeds the maxmimum value (automatically set as your constitution score) the the action that causes the increase fails to have an effect (or inthe case of cybernetics the implant fails to work).

    System Strain decreases automatically by one point after each night of rest, provided the organism is wellfed and not compromised by sickness or privation.

    3.1.3 - Bio Section

    - This section is for name, species, origins and appearance.

    - You can add an avatar for your character by inserting any image URL in the input field direcly below the image box. Links to GIFs are also accepted.

    - the table below the avatar image allows you to define your character's name, species, background, class, homeworld, and employer.
    - Your character name will appear as the name of your save file when saving your character to the downloads folder in the local directory.
    - The selected background option will automatically update the associated free skill in the Skills table (see help section 3.1.4)
    - The selected class option will reveal any associated active abilities in the Abilities tab (see help section 3.2)

    3.1.4 - Skills Table

    - This section lists all the skills characters can purchase levels in during character creation or with skill points granted from levelling up.- Skills can be levelled from 0-4.
    - (Costs: lvl-0 = 1SP, lvl-1 = 2SP, lvl-2 = 3SP, lvl-3 = 4SP, lvl-4 = 5SP)
    - Skill level 2 requirement: Player Level >= 3.
    - Skill level 3 requirement: Player Level >= 6.
    - Skill level 4 requirement: Player Level >= 9.
    - The total amount of skill points (from levlling up or class featues) spent/available is calculated automatically and displayed at the top of the table.
    - Skills received during character creation (from background selection) and from selected foci are excluded from this total amount.
    - A skill's description can be seen by clicking the information icon to the left of its name in the table.
    - Certain skill points granted by classes must be spent on specific types of skills, which must me kept track of MANUALLY.

    - During character creation, click the down arrow button in the table header to reveal teh drop-down row for selecting Learn/Growth/Foci/Psi/Interest skills
    - If you roll for your starting skills or use the quick skill options from the rulebook, tick the checkbox in the drop-down row to reveal the third Learn/Growth skill select field (and the Growth bonus fields in the Stats section drop-down section [see help section 3.1.6]).

    3.1.5 - Foci Table

    - This section allows you to select Focus abilities for your character.

    - The total amount of foci points available (from levelling up or class featues) is dispalyed at the top of the table.
    - To see a the description of a selected focus of option and its associated level features, click the information icon to the left of the select field after selecting an option.

    3.1.6 - Stats Section

    - This section is for storing the character's main attribues, earned XP, and automatically calculates your modifiers, saving throws, player level, attack bonus, and armour class.

    3.2 - Abilities Tab

    This tab is for tracking class- or focus-related abilities

    3.2.1 - Psi Techniques Section

    - This section lists any core abilities unlocked from selected psionic skills in the Profile tab, track maximum effort points available, allows selecting learnt/purchased psi techniques.

    3.2.2 - AI Routines Section

    - This section lists any unlocked Core routines, tracks maximum available processing points, and allows selecting learnt/purchased peripheral routines.

    3.2.3 - Expert Ability Section

    - This section helps keep track of whether you have used your Expert (or Partial Expert) class once-per-scene ability

    3.2.4 - Warrior Ability Section

    - This section helps keep track of whether you have used your Warrior (or Partial Warrior) class once-per-scene ability

    3.3 - Inventory Tab

    This tab is for tracking player items and equipment from the SWN rulebook (or custom items).

    3.3.1 - Items Inventory Table

    - This table is for storing character items.

    3.3.2 - Ranged Weapons Table

    - This table is for storing character ranged weapons

    3.3.3 - Melee Weapons Table

    - This table is for storing character melee weapons

    3.3.4 - Armour Table

    - This table is for storing character armour

    3.3.5 - Artificial Shells Table

    - This table is for the True AI (or Partial True AI) class to keep track of owned Artificial shells they can inhabit.

    3.3.6 - Drones Table

    - This table is for keeping track of drones the character owns.

    3.4 - Notes Tab

    - This tab is for the player to store their own personal, character or session notes in or between sessions.

    3.5 - Map Tab

    - This tab contains an embed intended for linking to the Sector's Without Number site for viewing your own created sectors or campaign/session sectors via a URL link

    - DISCLAIMER: I did not create, nor do I own any rights to the Sectors Without Number site, and have simply included a linked embed for player convenience (A copy of the Sectors without number open license can be found in the sites files).

    Crafting Rules

    Modding Equipment

    - Requires an appropriate TL4 workshop.
    - Advanced mods may require TL5 salvage

    - 100c/day to rent.
    - 25000c to purchase.

    - Minimum Fix skil required to build and maintain specific mods.
    - One week per minimum Fix skill requirement to build and install.

    - Time is halved if the tech does nothing but work, eat & sleep.
    - Time is halved if an assistance is provided by another tech with at least Fix-0 skill.

    - TL4 toolbox required to maintain existing mods.
    - Max #no. of maintained mods (maintenance score) = IntMod + ConMod + 3*Fix skill.

    - Maintenance score doubled if working 16-hour work days.
    - Mods and attched items stop working after 24 hours without maintenance.
    - Repairing a broken mod takes 1 hour by a qualified tech.

    Building Conventional Gear

    - Same build requirements as Modding Equipment (see above).
    - Jury-Rigged: 0.25*Price & 0.5*Time.

    - No cost if using scrap (but 2*Time).
    - Requires maintenance.
    - Cannot be modded.
    - Cannot jury-rig drugs or consumables.

    - Normal: 2*Price & 1*Time.
    - Mastercrafted: 10*Price & 2*Time

    - First installed mod requires NO maintenance.

    Hacking Rules

    - Usually requires a physical interface with the target system.

    - Tapping a line using a Metatool takes 1 minute.
    - Plugging into a terminal directly is a Main Action.
    - Unprotected wireless networks may be remotely accessed (rare).
    High-secuirty locations require 1-3 lineshunts to be installed (requires blueprints or successful "Answer a Specific Question" Hack).

    - Int/Program skill check required to hack the system.

    - Main Action if 1 hour of preparation was performed.
    - 10 minutes if no preparation was performed.
    - Unprepared hacks may be rushed at an additional diffuclty penalty.
    - Success: Hack successful and lasts for 1d4 rounds (or until line shunts are removed).
    - Fail: A second check is performed to avoid detection by security

    - Performing hacks on the same system within 24hrs increases difficulty by +1.
    - Hacking Difficulty:

    - Answer a Specific Question: 8
    - Get General Information: 10
    - Complete Database Aquisition: 12
    - Suppress a System: 8
    - Subvert a System: 10
    - Sabotage a System: 10

    - Human Overseers Alarmed: +1
    - Rushed Hack: +2
    - Repeated Hacks within 24hrs: +1
    - Sensitive System: + 1

    - Ordinary Personal System: -1
    - Small Business/Savvy Personal System: +0
    - Minor Gov./Major Corp. System: +1
    - Major Gov./Megacorp System: +2

    Drone Piloting Rules

    Rule text here

    Action Types

    Main Action:

    - One per round.
    - May be replaced with a second Move Action.

    Move Action:

    - One per round.
    - Run up to 10 metres.
    - Climbing, swimming & difficult terrain halve this distance.
    - Cannot be split across turn.
    - Actors must use the "Fighting Withdrawal" Main Afction to disengage from melee (and avoid OOP).

    On Turn Action:

    - Unlimited per round.
    - Must be performed on actor's turn.

    Instant Action:

    - Unlimited per round.
    - May be performed outside of actor's turn or after dice rolls.
    - Some Main Actions are also instant (still only once per round).

    Combat Rules

    Rounds & Initiative

    - Combat is divided into six second rounds.
    - Each participant rolls 1d8 + DexMod and act in descending order of results.

    - Ambushes involve a contested Dex/Sneak vs. Wis/Notice check.
    - Suprised targets only roll intiative on the 2nd round of combat.
    - Suprised targets may still perform Instant Actions.

    Hitting an Enemy

    - Roll 1d20 + attack bonus + weapon skill + attribute bonusvs. the target's Armor Class.

    - The attack is successful if the result is equal or higher than the target's AC.
    - Suffer a -2 penalty if the actor lacks the relevant weapon skill.
    - Ranged weapons usually use the actor'sDexMod.
    - Melee weapons may use either the actor's DexMod and/or StrMod depending on weapon size

    - Successful hits deal damage equal to the weapon's damage die + attribute modifier

    - Punch attack damage also uses the actor's Punch skill.

    - Melee weapons with the Shock property always deal the minimum damage specified to to targets with AC equal or less than the given AC value (regardless of hit or miss).
    - Always add the actor's attribute modifier, weapon mods, and relevant foci or advanced tech to the shock damage
    - Some advanced armor is immune to primitive weapon damage.
    - Some advanced weapons ignore primitive armor (treat as AC 10).
    - A prepared firing positoin takes 5 minutes to set up
    - Hit Roll Modidifers:

    - Shooting at a Distant, Prone Foe: -2
    - Shooting or Meleeing an Adjacent Pron Foe: +2
    - Melee Attacking while Prone: -4
    - Target behind Half-Cover: -2
    - Target behind Full Cover: -4
    - Shooting from a Prepared Firing Position: +2

    Healing & Repair

    Rule text here